Small Assignment

  1. Write a menu driven shell program to

a. Display calendar of current month.
b. Search for a pattern in all the files/subdirectories from current directory.
c. Count the no. of directories / sub directories in current directory.
2. Display day of week for a given date. (ddmmyyyy).
3. Display contents of all .lst files in the current directory.
4. For a student file with the following fields, rollno, name, marks. Generate 2 files �Pass' and �Fail�containing records of student who have passed or failed. Also count the number of students who have passed or failed.
5. Accept a date string from terminal and display the employees born after the input date.
6. Find the number of employees belonging to a particular department specified by user.
7. Find the count of people in each dept. of the employee file.
8. Generate a list of S.E. , who earn more than the amount specified by the user.
9. View the employee records in order of designations.
10. List employee details of all employees who earn more than the average salary of all employees.

folks pls help me i m new to unix

OK, what have you done so far? Looks like homework... (zaxxon, :b:)

any help will b appreciated:)
i have to write in a ksh
And for the first 2 questions i ve written an answer below pls check and confirm

echo calender
echo No of directories/Sub directories
find . -type f | wc -l
echo display day of the week for current date
date "+%A"

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