size of directory with ls -l


When i do a "ls -l" in a directory (Aix 5.3), i have the result :
>ls -l
total 65635864
-rw-r--r-- 1 lobi system 2559909888 Feb 20 15:06 cible5.7bdat
-rw-r--r-- 1 lobi system 1020098870 Feb 20 13:06 cible6.7bdat
-rw-r--r-- 1 lobi system 1544789511 Feb 20 11:06 cible9.7bdat
-rw-r--r-- 1 lobi system 2145654420 Feb 20 10:06 cible11.7bdat

but if i do a "du -k" to the directory (so ../), i have :
32817936 ./DDlobi

I don't understand the differency between these 2 values: 65635864 and 32817936
The result with this "du" is in ko, but a result with a "ls" is in o.

thank you

I believe the 'total' you see in the ls output is the total number of blocks used in that directory and is not an indication of file size total.

'du -k' will give you the size of the directory 1k blocks. the "total" on the ls command may be the total usage in 512 byte increments.