SIOCGARP to display the entire ARP table.

Hello everybody,

I have a working code that displays an entry from a given IP address. but, how can i display the entire ARP table? like the option 'arp -a' of the standard linux program.

This is the code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <net/if_arp.h>

char *mac_ntoa(unsigned char *ptr){
static char address[30];
sprintf(address, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X",
ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2], ptr[3], ptr[4], ptr[5]);

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
int s;

struct arpreq req;
struct hostent *hp;
struct sockaddr_in *sin;

char *host = argv[1];

bzero((caddr_t)&req, sizeof(req));

sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&req.arp_pa;
sin->sin_family = AF_INET; /* Address Family: Internet */
sin->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host);

if(sin->sin_addr.s_addr ==-1){
if(!(hp = gethostbyname(host))){
fprintf(stderr, "arp: %s ", host);
herror((char *)NULL);
bcopy((char *)hp->h_addr, (char *)&sin->sin_addr, sizeof(sin->sin_addr));

if((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0){
perror("socket() failed.");
        } /* Socket is opened.*/

strcpy(req.arp_dev, "eth0");

if(ioctl(s, SIOCGARP, (caddr_t)&req) <0){
if(errno == ENXIO){
printf("%s (%s) -- no entry.\n", host, inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr));
        } else {
close(s); /* Close the socket, we don't need it anymore. */

printf("%s (%s) at ", host, inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr));

if(req.arp_flags & ATF_COM){
printf("%s ", mac_ntoa(req.arp_ha.sa_data));
        } else {

if(req.arp_flags & ATF_PERM){
if(req.arp_flags & ATF_PUBL){
if(req.arp_flags & ATF_USETRAILERS){


I've looked to /usr/src/linux/net/ipv4/arp.c code before posting and can't find anything that tells me how to do it.

Thanks in advance.

The "-a" flag in Linux just changes the output format. I think you're thinking of the windows arp command, where the "/a" flag displays the whole table.

In any case, according to the strace command, linux ARP doesn't use ioctls to get the ARP table -- it slurps it in from the special file /proc/net/arp all in one big read. Try cat /proc/net/arp.

Hey Corona688,

Again, you were right, it sounds like a fair solution.

I can use sscanf() reading /proc/net/arp and get the same results as with 'arp -an'. While i was looking for a solution, i saw a program which did it with a complex function, reading from devices called '/dev/kmem' and '/dev/vmunix'. Never understood that.

Well, thank you, man!

Ew, that sounds very ugly indeed. It's reading raw data directly from kernel memory...

Yeah... Here's part of the function i was talking about, just for sharing and general knowledge...

struct nlist nl[] = {
#define    X_ARPTAB    0
    { "_arptab" },
#define    X_ARPTAB_SIZE    1
    { "_arptab_size" },
#define    N_SYSMAP    2
    { "_Sysmap" },
#define    N_SYSSIZE    3
    { "_Syssize" },
    { "" },

static struct pte *Sysmap;

 * Dump the entire arp table
dump(kernel, mem)
    char *kernel, *mem;
    extern int h_errno;
    struct arptab *at;
    struct hostent *hp;
    int bynumber, mf, arptab_size, sz;
    char *host, *malloc();
    off_t lseek();

    if (nlist(kernel, nl) < 0 || nl[X_ARPTAB_SIZE].n_type == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "arp: %s: bad namelist\n", kernel);
    mf = open(mem, O_RDONLY);
    if (mf < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "arp: cannot open %s\n", mem);
    if (kflag) {
        off_t off;

        Sysmap = (struct pte *)
           malloc((u_int)(nl[N_SYSSIZE].n_value * sizeof(struct pte)));
        if (!Sysmap) {
            fputs("arp: can't get memory for Sysmap.\n", stderr);
        off = nl[N_SYSMAP].n_value & ~KERNBASE;
        (void)lseek(mf, off, L_SET);
        (void)read(mf, (char *)Sysmap,
            (int)(nl[N_SYSSIZE].n_value * sizeof(struct pte)));
    klseek(mf, (long)nl[X_ARPTAB_SIZE].n_value, L_SET);
    read(mf, &arptab_size, sizeof arptab_size);
    if (arptab_size <= 0 || arptab_size > 1000) {
        fprintf(stderr, "arp: %s: namelist wrong\n", kernel);
    sz = arptab_size * sizeof (struct arptab);
    at = (struct arptab *)malloc((u_int)sz);
    if (at == NULL) {
        fputs("arp: can't get memory for arptab.\n", stderr);
    klseek(mf, (long)nl[X_ARPTAB].n_value, L_SET);
    if (read(mf, (char *)at, sz) != sz) {
        perror("arp: error reading arptab");
    for (bynumber = 0; arptab_size-- > 0; at++) {
        if (at->at_iaddr.s_addr == 0 || at->at_flags == 0)
        if (bynumber == 0)
            hp = gethostbyaddr((caddr_t)&at->at_iaddr,
                sizeof at->at_iaddr, AF_INET);
            hp = 0;
        if (hp)
            host = hp->h_name;
        else {
            host = "?";
            if (h_errno == TRY_AGAIN)
                bynumber = 1;
        printf("%s (%s) at ", host, inet_ntoa(at->at_iaddr));
        if (at->at_flags & ATF_COM)
        if (at->at_flags & ATF_PERM)
            printf(" permanent");
        if (at->at_flags & ATF_PUBL)
            printf(" published");
        if (at->at_flags & ATF_USETRAILERS)
            printf(" trailers");

 * Seek into the kernel for a value.
klseek(fd, base, off)
    int fd, off;
    off_t base;
    off_t lseek();

    if (kflag) {    /* get kernel pte */
        base &= ~KERNBASE;
        base = ctob(Sysmap[btop(base)].pg_pfnum) + (base & PGOFSET);
    (void)lseek(fd, base, off);


You see? It's incomprehensible.