single quote


I have a shell script with many lines as below:

comment on column dcases.proj_seq_num is dcases_1sq;

I want the above script to be as below:

comment on column dcases.proj_seq_num is 'dcases_1sq';

I want to have single quotes like that as above for the entire shell script in the 6th position.


It seem to be like output of the script, but not clear

Can you please post sample of the script you had tried ?

Try the following awk script:

$1 != "comment"  { print }
$1 == "comment" {
                 changed = substr($6, 0, length($6) - 1)
                 printf("%s %s %s %s %s '%s';\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, changed )

awk -f awkscriptfile scriptfile > newscriptfile