Single mode on T1000 machine

We know that T1000 machines hasn't got a vga and usb ports.

It only has ALOM,Serial and ethernet ports.

When the machine booting up give a below error messages permanently. Picture is atteched.

WARNING: init(1M) exited on fatal signal 9: restarting automatically
WARNING: init(1M) exited on fatal signal 9: restarting automatically
WARNING: init(1M) exited on fatal signal 9: restarting automatically
WARNING: init(1M) exited on fatal signal 9: restarting automatically
WARNING: init(1M) exited on fatal signal 9: restarting automatically

I don't know how can I reach to single mode.

I can enter sc> mode "ALOM" and can reach ok> prompt mode using with "console -f" and "break" commands.

I need cdrom for single mode but "It has no cdrom device".

If I have a cdrom on this machine I would run "ok>boot cdrom -s" command for switching to single mode.

If I reach to single mode I will run "#cp " command and I can most probably solved related problem.

I am waitting your kindly helps.

From the OK prompt try: boot -s . It will ask you for the root password but should put in you in single user mode.

I tried before but I try again just now.
Result is attached.
This machine is T1000 how can I reach to single mode!!!

you can only boot from external device... in this case it has to be a jumpstart server.

I installed this server before. I know jumpstart installation. If I prepare jumpstart infrastructure how can I switch to single mode?
Jumpstart server will start to install whento find this server.

boot net -s

i am not sure but your current kernel may support failsafe mode ...

boot -F failsafe

DukeNuke2# "boot net -s" is starting jumpstart installation and boardcasting mac-address toward to network.

Baykan# I try "boot -F failsafe" command but fit for nothing.
picture is attached.

I have to switch single user mode.

boot net -s

will boot the server over network to a single user shell! you can mount the internal drive and do needed changes...

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I have tried to reach single user mode with jumpstart installation.
But It have started automatically installation. picture is atteched.

DukeNuke2 : How can I mount the internal drive after " boot net -s "

sorry "I have run "boot net" with a high degree of probability " {added line}


Issue is fixed.
I have started jumpstart installation command with "boot net -s"

net = network
s = single user mode

Single user mode is read-only mode. so I must mount our HDD to /a
# mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /a
# cp /a/lib/ /a/lib/
# init 6

Thats all. :b:

Thank you family and other friends. :slight_smile: