Single Cron

Hi there everyone. So my host doesn't allow crons more then every 15 minutes I need to do every 10 minutes.

So i was thinking of using sleep. Would this count as a single cron?:

php -qf /home/blah.php; sleep 600; php -qf /home/blah.php;

Do you think I can get away with that?

My other idea was to make blah.php handle it:
Increase the timeout limit to 10 minutes. Then run it once sleep 10 minutes then call the function again then end.

Which way do you think would be lowest concern to host?

Try it and see.

Ask your host's system administrator.

Its hostgator does anyone have any experience with them and this issue?

That's a good idea ill also try do that but they take forever to respond. So if anyone knows please still post :slight_smile:

Do they allow you to have 2 chron jobs? You could run the same process twice or make a copy with a new name and run one at 0, 20, 40 minutes ant the other at 10, 30, 50 minutes.

They're only letting one run every 15 minutes :frowning: Its host gator :frowning:

A cron can only run once every 15 minutes. So you can have multiple crons, each individual one can not run more often then once every 15minutes. I would also suggest staggering the times that they run.

*/15 * * * *
*/15+2 * * * *
*/15+4 * * * *

At least I think that works >_<

Hey that's a good idea. Thanks man ill try that. I used to do ******* but got contacted by host saying dont do every minute. I just want to do something that they dont care about. What do you think of my one cron just put in sleep 60 between each php call?