Simple Vue.js Component to Redirect to External Web Page Using Vue Router

Vue Router has some quirks and on of the quirks is that it is not reliable when adding external links using the vue-router library.

After struggling with many solutions, I have found that creating a simple Vue.js component like this one seems to work the best (so far):

Component Example: RedirectNotes.vue

  <div class="d-flex justify-content-around" style="padding:20px" v-if="redirect()">
      <h3>This Vue Component Does a Basic Redirect</h3>

export default {
  methods: {
    redirect() {
      var url = "";
      this.$router.push({ path: "/dashboard" });, "_target");


Naturally the entries is routes.js are simple:

const RedirectNotes = () => import("src/pages/vB/RedirectNotes.vue");
        path: "usernotes",
        name: "User Notes",
        components: { default: RedirectNotes }

This is not the best method, but it is the only method that works consistently in vue-router so far.

The downside is that some browsers may block the new window and the user will need to grant permissions.