Simple shell script to find and print data


I have a log file containing data on emails sent. Looks a bit like this for one email:

Content-Type: text/plain;
Date: 12 Jun 2008 14:04:59 +0100
Subject: xcf4564xzcv
Size = 364 Jun 12 14:04 smtp_234sldfh.tmp

I need to take the subject, date, time, size and To: and stick it in an output file in the following format

1,,1,,,1,xcf4564xzcv,1,12 Jun 2008,14:04:59,1,,364

How can I do this in Shell (AIX)... sed? grep? Here is the perl script I wrote:

open(READLOGFILE,  "C:\\temp\\email.log") or die("Failed to open file");
open(WRITELOGFILE, ">>C:\\temp\\emailstats.log") or die("Failed to open file");
$numRecords  = 0;
$emailSize   = 0;
$foundSize   = 0;
$foundEmail  = 0;
$foundSubject= 0;
$foundDate   = 0;
while($line = <READLOGFILE>) {
 if($line =~ /^Subject\:\s(\S*)/ ) {
  $subject      = $1;
  $foundSubject = 1;
 if($line =~ /^Date\:\s(.*)\s(\d\d\:\d\d\:\d\d)\s(.*)/) {
  $date      = $1;
  $foundDate = 1;
  $time    = $2;
 if($line =~ /^To\:\s(\S*\@\S*)/ ) {
  $to         = $1;
  $foundEmail = 1;
 if($line =~ /^Size\s\=\s(\d*)/) {
  $foundSize = 1;
  $emailSize = $1;
 if(($foundSubject + $foundEmail + $foundSize + $foundDate) == 4) {
  print WRITELOGFILE "1,".$to.",1,,,1,".$subject.",1,".$date.",".$time.",1,,".$emailSize."\n";
  $numRecords  = $numRecords + 1;
  $totalSize   = $totalSize + $emailSize;
  $emailSize   = 0;
   $foundSize   = 0;
  $foundEmail  = 0;
  $foundSubject= 0;
  $foundDate   = 0;
print "\nProcessing Complete";

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The UNIX and Linux Forums

Assuming the headers appear every time, you can use multiple calls to 'grep' to output one file for each field, and then use 'paste' to merge them, i.e.,

grep "^Subject" file.txt > subjects.out
grep "^To" file.txt > tos.out
paste -d"\t" subjects.out tos.out

On the other hand, if there's no guarantee each header will always exist in every set, you have to do basically what you've done already running through the file and setting vars, and echo output, i.e.,

cat file.txt | while read line
  SUBJECT=`echo $line | grep "^Subject"`
  if [ $SUBJECT ]
  # etc
  . . .
  echo ...
  # reset vars
echo "Processing complete"


Thanks for you post... but could you make this idiot proof for me please, never used UNIX in my life.

  1. How would I get 12 Jun 2008 from the line:
Date: 12 Jun 2008 14:04:59 +0100

Would AIX/UNIX accept:



Not sure about grep on aix. Check for a -P option. On RHEL 5, this puts grep into Perl mode, which would presumably allow you to keep your regexes intact.

Otherwise, it's very similar. Use quotes to shell-proof your patterns. Drop the slash delimiters.

Since it's a log, you can probs just grep on the keyword at the start of the line, i.e., grep "^Date: " or you could do grep "^Date: [0-9][0-9]:" etc.

To get positional vars out of a line you can use awk, I think like this:
echo $var | awk '{ print $1 $3 }'

Truth be told, though, if you can stick with perl, it's much easier--made for this kind of task.

---------- Post updated at 08:19 AM ---------- Previous update was at 08:17 AM ----------

also, if you're really a newb, you may not know about the man pages. Type 'man awk' or 'man grep' at the command-line. and while you're at it, type 'which perl' . If you get a path to perl, use it.

Nah, client doesn't allow use of perl... Its not one of their strategic software, therefore hasn't got security clearance! Good chance to learn some shell though.

Thanks for you're help, I'll get testing. I'm going to try these:

grep "^To" email.log > recipients.out|awk '{print $2}'
grep /^Subject\:\s(\S*)/ email.log > subjects.out

Does the sytax look alright?

any ideas how I can paste all the outputs together to get it to look like this:

1,,1,,,1,xcf4564xzcv,1,12 Jun 2008,14:04:59,1,,364

---------- Post updated at 03:12 PM ---------- Previous update was at 01:35 PM ----------

Resolution for anyone who needs it in future...

grep "^To" email.log |awk '{print "1,"$2}' > recipients.out ; grep "^Subject" email.log |awk '{print ",1,,,1,"$2}' > subjects.out ; grep "^Date" email.log |awk '{print ",1,"$2" "$3" "$4}' > date.out ; grep "^Date" email.log |awk '{print ","$5}' > time.out ; grep "^Size" email.log |awk '{print ",1,,"$3}' > size.out ; paste recipients.out subjects.out date.out time.out size.out > emailstats.txt ; rm recipients.out ; rm subjects.out ; rm date.out ; rm time.out ; rm size.out