Simple Script needed for Processing CSV file perl

I am new to perl, and need a script to pull a CSV file, strip out 2 leading columns, and 2 ending columns, and resave the file in a new location. The file is basic and has less than 10,000 records. Secondly, can I schedule perl scripts to run daily? Can someone provide the basic script to perform this task.

Yes, you can schedule a script to run daily. See "man crontab".

As for your script, what you want to do is:

  • split your csv entry apart using the "split" function
  • get rid of the first/last two with a combination of pop/shift or else splice
  • join the remaining fields back together using "join" function

The above is a basic outline of required steps (ignoring i/o operations). This should be easy enough to program. As a first try, I would say ignore that there might be records with 3 or less fields (as I don't know your input). Once you have the basic program working, then you might want to consider whether you need to code for any possible exceptions.