Silly Cdrom burn question

Probably a silly question but one I dont know the answer to all the same..

I downloaded the following from sun - solaris 9 part 1 of the software

When I unzip it I get an iso file. How do I burn it to a cdrom and be able to insert it to solaris machine so that it will be picked up and installed?

I am using nero burner but not quite sure what I am mean to be burning it as etc...

in the menu
recorder->Burn Image

and make sure to finalize the CD.

Right - I used the burn ISO option, and this has worked fine.

Now I insert the cd to my ultra 10, and a window launches with 6 folers from S0 .. until S6 but I cannot find anything in these folders that will let me run a software installer for installing the stuff on disk..

Any ideas?

It's not like windows, the installer does't work that way.

As root type in the command
reboot -- "cdrom - install"

or halt the system and type
boot cdrom - install

at the ok prompt.