Shutdown the package in SUN cluster

I have a SUN cluster system.
I want to know what script do when the SUN cluster shutdown the package as I may need to modify it ?? Where can I find out this information in the system??
In which directory and log file ???
Any suggestion ???

What "package" are you referring to?

Below is part of scstat
I want to know what script do if the package "app-gcota-rg" shutdown ??
as I want to modify the shutdown script ....
Where and which dictectory I need to search ???
Any advice ???

Resource Groups --

        Group Name          Node Name           State
        ----------          ---------           -----
 Group: ora\_gcota_rg        ytgcota-1           Online
 Group: ora\_gcota_rg        ytgcota-2           Offline

 Group: app-gcota-rg        ytgcota-1           Online
 Group: app-gcota-rg        ytgcota-2           Offline

You're using a wrong term. That's called a "resource group".
And what you mean by shutdown? "offline" is it? Please use correct terms to prevent delays for anyone to assist you.

yes offline it ...shutdown the related applicaton ..So, any advice on
where the location of the script ???????

Are you referring to something like VCS's file?