Shutdown command

is there a difference between

shutdown -F


shutdown -h now




-F means "fast" (be it reboot (-r) or halt (-h)).

-h means halt normally.

Using "now" doesn't make it go any faster.

"now" foregoes the usual 60-second delay between the issuing of the "shutdown"-command the the shutdown-process itself.

"-F" affects the process itself. Some things done during a normal shutdown are omitted. From the man page:

In all practical respects "-F" doesn't gain anything, because you won't hardly notice the difference (some mere seconds), while "now" will gain you 60 seconds in the case you don't use "-F", which will effectively ignore all time options.

I hope this helps.


now doesn't make the shutdown itself go any faster, I meant (notwithstanding the 60 second delay), but thank you for adding that.
