Shifting result of echo by specific amount

I am using

echo "HELLO"

I want to specify a number shiftWt so that I move hello forward by shiftWt charcaters.

Is there a way to do this?

# prepend
printf  "%20s\n" "HELLO"

I have coded it like this. Suppose I want to have 3 blank characters before the string. If the string is longer than 20 characters, I would not have the 3 characters in the beginning.

set blk = ""                           # Create a blank string of size shiftWt.
@ x = 1
while ($x <= $shiftWt)
  set blk = " $blk"
  @ x += 1

set len = ${%strLst4}
if ($len > 0) then
  if ($i > 1) echo ""
  foreach str ($strLst4)
    echo "${blk}${str}"                # Add blank string to beginning.
  @ i++