ShellScript displays un necessary question marks


This is suman. I am very new to Shell Scripting. I have a shell script, when I run that script, it is displaying un necessary question marks. But in the scritpt, there is no any " echo ? " statement. Can anybody please help me what could be the cause for displaying question marks ??

Thanks & Regards,

can you post the script?

I can't. Because this is company's confidential. Sorry ....
Can you identify what could be the reasons for getting the question marks??
I used set -o xtrace command to trace my script. But failed to found where it went wrong. Can you guess what could be the possible cases to give this un necessary question marks ???

Thanks & Regards,

Yes, i could (and frank could perhaps too), but that would be confidential information. Could you guess what it would be?

Sorry, but what do you think we are? Mind readers? Psychics? Are we supposed to correct the error by sheer telekinetic manipulation of your keyboard once we find out what it is or what?

In earnest: strip your script down to a point where it still produces the error (make a copy, delete out all the unnecessary parts) and then present it here. Probably doing so will tell you where the problem lies anyways so we don't have to exercise our telephatic interfaces.
