
Hi folks,

How can I change a terminal to display different things in different collors.. for example, folders in blue, scripts in green... as it works in Linux??

Thanks for any tip!


You can check the SMC tools under CDE

you would use gnu ls which you can get from or in the coreutils package.

or /usr/gnu/bin/ls in recent Solaris Express builds.

Hi folks!

I received the following instruction in another topic:

How can I download and install that in Solaris?

Thanks for any help!


Hmm, here are the general instructions for downloading and installing packages from sunfreeware. What is your purpose exactly ? Did you visit the site ?


I am new in Linux / Unix world.
The purpose is to accomplish a task and learn install packages.

I will check the site and update the thread again.


Could you please help me?
I am new on Unix world.
I tried to locate coreutils in and I dont know exactly what to download.

I am using Solaris 10 update 1.

Many Thanks.


Greetings -

I run

If you have any questions about packages and their installation, feel free to email me.

Steve Christensen

moved this to "solaris" forum...

Hi All,

I installed coreutils from sunfreeware and point MANPATH in /etc/profile:

export MANPATH

If I try:

however nothing happens.

ls continues black and white.

What I am doing wrong?


i) $MANPATH does not have to do something with this.
ii) Also GNU ls does not give colors if the user does not request it. Get to your Linux box. Type "alias" at shell promt. You'll find something like "alias ls='ls --color=auto'". Add that that alias command to your shell-rc-file (~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_aliases, whatever), start a new shell and you're done.


It was what returned for alias...

Is it missing something regarding to colors? :confused:

Thank you!

Assuming that you are using bash the suggestion is to add an alias:

alias ls='/usr/local/bin/ls --color=auto'

Add the line to ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bashrc, so that it will work both with a login shell and a non-login interactive shell.

Wouldn't be the same add these lines in /etc/profile?
I tried and it didnt work... even in interactive and non-interactive....

I didn't find .bash_profile.....

Create the file if it doesn't exist.


The file was created under /, and when I try cd ~ it points me also to /.

The following was inserted into this file:

alias ls='/usr/local/bin/ls --color=auto'

however it didnt display colors....

did I make something wrong?


Did you create both files? Also don't do this for root.

(what specifically your ls alias is on your linux box does not really matter, that was just make you able to actually understand what to do)

i) Does "ls --color" or "/usr/local/bin/ls --color" give you colors?
ii) It's no good idea to alias "ls" with some colorful "ls" globally as this might hurt some scripts seriously.


I was checking in a Linux documentation and checked there is a filled called /etc/bashrc however I did not find this file in my Solaris. Also, I didnt find this file into ~ (/export/home/fpradell) as you suggested me to create a one...

What is the difference between these files?

Could you please explain why would it hurt some scripts?

"/usr/local/bin/ls --color" worked.

