Shell scripting

Hi friends I am new in this forum....

I am currently working as a Linux Admin in a company.....

Currently i have faced a problem,if u help me that will great for me..

I need a little guidence 2 create a shell script which will

automatically changes 2 a specific user (just using "SU") according 2 me ,

then enter into a specifc directory and execute a executable file....

This should be completely time dependent and automatic.........

Really need a little more information. Is the script run as root? Is it the same executable file in each directory changed to? if not how do you know what executable to run?

Out of interest, if it is *not* run as root then it can only be done in a totally insecure way unless you use sudo or something.


Thanks for the info in the PM.

Root can run scripts as different users using 'su -c <username>'

So you could be doing something like.

for user in <user list>
   cd <relevant directory>
  su -c $user <command>

I have tried with our code

i have given

su -c root in shellscript
but the error

standard in must be a tty
rm: cannot unlink `TIP-14-3000434.tip': Operation not permitted

was coming

please help


'su -c' is just a construct for running a command as another user. It looks like the program you are running is having problems running under cron or something similar. I've never actually seen either of the errors you mention.

I would try searching for them in google and see what turns up. Remember that when you 'su -c <command' the command is being run as that user and so many operations that would succeed as root may fail.