Shell Scripting - Select multiple files from numbered list

I am trying to have the user select two files from a numbered list which will eventually be turned into a variable then combined. This is probably something simple and stupid that I am doing.

echo "Please Select the Show interface status file"
select FILE1 in *;
echo "Please Select the Show Vlan file"
select FILE2 in *;


What language are you using?

I'd recommend looking at the bottom of this thread for More UNIX and Linux Forum Topics You Might Find Helpful threads.
Also look a simple menu building script as a sample of using select and case :


actions='cat edit quit'
PS3="Pick one of the above [${actions}]: "

select i in ${actions}
   case $i in
      cat)  eval cat "${files}" ;;
      edit) eval ${EDITOR-vi} "${files}" ;;
      quit) break ;;
      "") print -u2 you must select one of the above [${actions}] ;;

Its a shell script.

More or less I am trying to create a list of files from a specific directory (I will already be in that directory),

I will then

"cat FILE1 > file1"


"cat FILE2 > file2"

After these files are selected, the program will move on. I've been playing with Shamrocks snippet but no luck. I also have been looking for a similar scenarios with code that resembles what I'm trying to do but perhaps I am searching the wrong keywords.