shell scripting error

i am trying to work on a simple shell script as

filename = $2
if [ "$1" = "-cat" ]; then
echo " Displaying the Content of the file:"
filename = $2
cat filename
if [ "$1" = "-ls"]; then
echo "Displaying directory listing:"
ls -l filename
echo " Commands not correct:"

it shows the error
line 14: syntax error near unexpected token 'done'
line 14: 'done'
i am using bash shell in ubantu..

thank you and regards

edit by bakunin: please use CODE-Tags when posting code. It greatly enhances readability and it cheers up the venerable cfajohnson to no end. I have inserted them now for you.

for each if statement should end with a fi

you are missing with a fi.

Please put code inside


filename = $2


When posting code, please do not retype it; insert the script file or cut and paste the code. The previous line would have given you an error if that is what you actually were running.


Redundant, with the same error as above.

Do you mean:

cat "$filename"

Do you mean:

ls -l "$filename"

You don't have a do to close with done.

This lends itself to a "case" statement.

case "${action}" in
               echo "Displaying the Content of the file:"
               cat "${filename}"
               echo "Displaying directory listing:" 
               ls -l "${filename}"
               echo "Commands not correct:"
               echo "Usage scriptname [-ls | -cat] filename"