Shell Scripting Error

When i run the script,i am getting a weird error.

[!]root: ./var/ADMIN/bin/ d12381
./var/ADMIN/bin/ ?osrc: command not found
./var/ADMIN/bin/ ?osrc: command not found

The script is successful,but the error interests me...Any Ideas??

The script is appended below.
[!]root: cat
#This script locks the User Account specified after 2 hrs.Remember to provide the D-id to be locked as the Input Variable after the Script name in the command prompt.

#Command to Lock the User Account after 60 sec.
(sleep 60 ;passwd -l $1) &

Try to run the script without the initial dot (.).

Also cat the script without the initial dot.

What happens in these two cases?

What kind of system are you on? Linux? In that case, you're running bash. Do you have a /root/.bashrc? How about /etc/profile? What does it look like?

Your shell is sourcing a file that has an error in it, I believe. Or you're not running the that you think you are. Probably it's the first option, however...