Shell script password input


I wrote a simple shell script to monitor (with Nagios) a SNX VPN function. Here the Code snippet:

testing=`ssh user@IP-address 'ls /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0'`

#echo $testing

if [ $testing = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0" > /dev/null 2>%1 ]; then
        echo "VPN is working"
        exit 0

else    snx -s server -u user
        exit 0

As you could see if the VPN connection is establised I got a simple output text in Nagios. But when the VPN connection isn�t up and running I want to establise a connection with the command "snx -s server -u user".
Than I have to put in a Password manually

Check Point's Linux SNX
build 800007075
Please enter your password:

And there I run into problems. How could I automate such a login within the script? Any Ideas?


You could do this with Expect (Expect - Expect - Home Page).

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Thanks that works perfect for me... :slight_smile:

regards tommy