I need a bit of your help. The problem is as follows :
I have to create a directory in unix whose name is that of system date in the dd_mon_yyyy format . I am able to extract a date in required format ina variable , but when i'm using this variable in mkdir it is not creating a directory of that date, rather it is creating the dirictory of the same name as the variable( mkdir accepts a string name for creating directories , but I don't know how to convert date to string using shell scripting). I am writing below the piece of script of what I am doing. Plz correct me where ever possible. i hope to see a nice running solution from your side.
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try with blowtorch's code(mkdir `date +%d_%m_%Y`), its working fine.
You have to place the backquotes(`) before and after the date command, you might have placed single quotes check it once.
thankyou very much for correcting ..... its working .... Raju for yesterday only , this small thing was creating problem..... I really apperitiate you for correcting me.