shell programming for process?

If I want to write program that spread the work to its child process so that each process compute some task what should I do?

The objective of my program is to fill in the table which (1010) in dimension and each column is filled with the fibonacci value of i+j (i mean current row and j mean current column). I want my program to spread the work to its child process so that each process compute the value in T[,j] (* mean every row,j mean current column).

for example one of the child process must compute T[0,j] ,T[1,j] ,T[2,j]
T[3,j] ,T[4,j] ,T[5,j] , T[6,j] ,T[7,j] ,T[8,j] ,T[9,j]

(T[i,j] compute the value of fibonacci of i+j)

Help me please........Thank you
Best regard

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