Shell output to windows

Good day Guys,

I have a problewm in one of my development project. I need to call a SAS job in my script. NO problem with this one, the problem is I need the output (an excel file) to be redirected to a windows server. The destination server is called pcfileserver. I dont know how to redirect the excel file here without using ftp since they dont allow us to ftp.

Thanks in advanced

The SAMBA client utilities should be able to help you out here. There are two options: (1) one is an SMB mount utility, which requires the Windows server to provide a share; you'll also need root options on the UNIX server. (2) There is an SMB-based file-transfer utility; I think it still requires the Windows server to open a share, but you won't need root on the windows server. Also, the latter is more scriptable, but it might mean you need to expose (in the script) the username/password of the Windows server share.
To get this to work, you would first redirect output to a local temporary file, and then run the file transfer.

Finally, there's email. There are many scriptable utilities (PHP, Perl, Python, &more) that allow you to send an attachment in an email. You can set up a corporate mailbox somewhere. Then on the Windows Server, you get the Exchange server or whatever with some .NET programming to extract the attachment and save it into a known file. You might not even need .NET programming -- setting up a filter might be sufficient.

thanks a lot for the reply!!!!