Shell menus And Oracle

Dear All,

Kindly suggest on how should i proceed with the following requirement

I need to develop an interactive shell script menu which would enable the user to inquire the value of a column based on a key value [i would use "like" in oracle to search]. The output can be more records..
Also is it possible to do the following
1) format the output of the query to display the values like

key1 This is the description column i'm trying
to search1
key2 This is the description column i'm trying
to search2
key3 This is the description column i'm trying
to search3

2) is it possible to have some thing similar to the header where in i have some options for the user to choose and the body section where in the output is displayed in the above format

Kindly clarify. Any inputs regarding this will be highly useful


What interpreter Are you using for this script ?. (KSH, SH, BASH).
If you are using ksh this example can help us.

echo "Introduce first field to search"
read a
echo "You have introduced "$a
echo "Introduce second field to search"
read b
echo "You have introduced "$b

Its an easy way to make an interactive menu with ksh.
I hope have been helpfull

Is it possible to have a header and footer kind of display
to make it more clear, what i'm talking about is something show below

Keyword: key
Exit (Y/N):

key1 Description
key2 Description
key3 Description
key4 Description
key5 Description
key6 Description

Any inputs would be very useful
