shell books recommend

Now i'm reading <Advanced Bash scripting Guide> and that book lists too many examples and show little explanations.That makes me feel confused.Do any1 has some better book recommend to me about Bash?

I can recommend the O'Reilly books "Learning the bash shell" and if you like "Learning the Korn shell" ...

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Thanks for ur reply.Actually i don't mind which kind of shell to learn,I learn bash because it's popular in Linux,Is there big difference between korn shell and Bash?If not,I would learn korn shell,either:)and i found a book named "Mastering UNIX shell scripting",seems about korn shell.

I would say they are similar, but I like ksh93 better for scripting as it is quite a bit faster and I think it is more advanced.. Bash is more prominent in the Linux world, but you can use ksh93 there too. There is a thread about this:

Thanks,seems bash and korn shell shares the world!