Share folder between vmware and windows

when i try to mount share folder in redhat
mount share -t vmboxfs /mnt
it shows no filesystem vmbox:)

Your headline states "wmware and windows" but the body of your question indicates redhat and virtualbox. Which is it?

If redhat is a guest in VirtualBox which is running on a MS Windows host, have you installed the VirtualBox extensions?

I have windows on my system and i install Redhat on vmware and i want to share folder between redhat on vmware and windows. I don't hve any idea about extension which you are talking about.Can you please guide me about it.

I doubt if you are using vmware on top of MS Windows. Are you sure that you are not using VirtualBox? See for details about how to install the guest extensions.


They could be using Vmware Workstation on top of Windows, but if they are trying to share folders the VirtualBox way, then yes, that will fail.