sh: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

We have installed linux6(RHEL) OS and installed datastage application on that.
First time installation worked fine and our all services related to datastage was up and running.
When we stopped the datastage and restarted its giving below error while restart:-
./uv -admin -start

DataStage Engine instance "ade" has been brought up.
Starting JobMonApp

sh: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `module '/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSComponents/lib/'

Due to this error,our application is not working correctly.

Out datastage environmental file failed with error saying:-
LESSOPEN="|/usr/bin/ %s"; export LESSOPEN
UDTHOME="/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine/ud41"; export UDTHOME
module="() { eval `/usr/bin/modulecmd bash $*`"; export module

===Errors encountered during environment exporting===
cmdTrace.c(713):ERROR:104: 'start' is an unrecognized subcommand
cmdModule.c(411):ERROR:104: 'start' is an unrecognized subcommand

It looks like we are missing some module setting in Linux.

Anyone's help will be highly appriciated.
