sftp with proxycommand -AIX

Hi ,
I am trying to do an sftp using below command -AIX

sftp -oProxyCommand='/usr/bin/ksh -v -xproxyname:portno remotehostname remoteport' user@remotehostname:port

But I getting error message:

remotehost: bad option(s)
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
Connection closed


Two possible options:

  1. The remote host is simply not compatible with your client, or vice-versa;
  2. You already have the key stored, but it has changed in the meantime - try deleting the key for that host, and re-initiate the connection.

We were able to connect to the sftp site via Lunix using the same command. But when issues from AIX it didn't work.

Can you please let me know how to delete the key from the host.

I forgot to add - make sure you have sufficient privileges, like owning the proper files, like the ones in /var/run, etc, just as well as /etc/hosts.allow
and /etc/hosts.deny do not prevent the connection, that is, some general connectivity problem.

Other than that, go to your user's home folder and find the (.ssh)/known_hosts file, delete the entry for this particular host, and then retry the connection.

Further troubleshooting tips: invoke the command with verbose debug SSH flags, like -vvv, for example, as I'm not aware of your version of SSH (and vendor).

Thanks, Will check and get back to you.