sftp verbose output

We need to use sftp to replace the ftp on all our application scripts.

The command itself works, however,the output from the verbose is not giving us a success response with a transfer count. Our processes require that we interrogate the response to ensure the data transfer was successful.

I looked at an HP forum on setting the loglevel but I can not find any examples that this will give us what we need.

I am on digital unix going to unix, not sure what flavor.

(yes, i searched for this answer on this website, yes I looked on the ssh website, yes, I searched google forums and several other forums.)


I am facing a similar problem, can anyone please tell me how this can be done ?

Thanks in advance.

Log level can be changed at file : " /etc/ssh/sshd_config "
#LogLevel INFO
or use "

sftp -vv

" for verbose output.