SFTP / SCP using password


I was provided with sftp servername, user and password and the requirement is to connect to sftp server using credentials provided and drop the file.
Manually i am able to connect with commands like
sftp user@servername
and after clicking enter, i was asked for a password and entering the password i am able to get it the remote server.
How can i do the same using scripts i.e when i execute the script, it should connect to server using credentials ( without any manual interverntion )?

I used to do these sftp connections via key exchange ( public key deployed to remote server ) but not sure how to use passwords for sftp connection.

I appreciate your help.

sftp works with key based login too. Just upload your public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and make sure, the access mode of the .ssh directory is correct (700).


We are not allowed to use key based connection.
I am required to use credentials and connect to sftp server via script with not manual intervention.
Can i know how can i do this?

That's unfortunate!

You can't provide the password to sftp via stdin-redirection, because sftp doesn't read stdin, but it opens /dev/tty to do that.

Therefore you have to resort to expect. Read here: Automating SFTP with Expect

This is a simple script I use when I'm not allowed to use public/private keys(which I don't like!!), it might be overkill for what you want to do but at least it gives you some ideas:

#!/usr/local/bin/expect --
# Script: sftp_file_to.tcl
# Description: Utility to SFTP a file to a specified host
# usage: sftp_file_to.tcl target_server_port target_server user pass target_directory source_directory file_name_to_ftp rename_file

# Set named parameters
set ssh_port                 [lindex $argv 0]
set sftp_server              [lindex $argv 1]
set sftp_user                [lindex $argv 2]
set sftp_pass                [lindex $argv 3]
set target_directory         [lindex $argv 4]
set source_directory         [lindex $argv 5]
set file_name                [lindex $argv 6]
set rename_file              [lindex $argv 7]
set sftp_prompt "sftp>?"
set timeout 300

# Default variable(rename_file) to "N" if not supplied by caller.
if { $rename_file eq "" } {
  set rename_file N

# Procedure to connect to SFTP server
proc connect { sftp_pass } {
  variable sftp_prompt
  variable sftp_server
  expect -re "Connecting to.*"                     { exp_continue } \
         -re "Are you sure you want to continue.*" { exp_send "YES\r"; exp_continue } \
         -re "(Password|password).*:.*"            { exp_send "$sftp_pass\r"; exp_continue } \
         -re $sftp_prompt                          { return 0 } \
         eof                                       { puts "***Error connecting to($sftp_server)."; return 1 }
         timeout                                   { puts "***Error connecting to($sftp_server)."; return 1 }

# Procedure to send meesage denoting error, then quit SFTP, then exit with status denoting error.
proc abort { msg } {
  puts "$msg";
  exp_send "quit\r";
  exit 1;

# Connect to the SFTP server
spawn sftp -oPort=$ssh_port $sftp_user@$sftp_server
set connect_results [connect $sftp_pass]

# If successful connection, continue, else exit denoting error occured.
if { $connect_results == 0 } {
  # Change to target directory on target server.
  exp_send "cd $target_directory\r"
    expect "No such file or directory" { abort "\n**Error changing to directory($target_directory) on target server." } \
           "Failure"                   { abort "\n**Error changing to directory($target_directory) on target server." } \
           -re $sftp_prompt            {} \
           timeout { abort "\n**Error changing to directory($target_directory) on target server." }

  # Change local directory.
  exp_send "lcd $source_directory\r"
    expect "No such file or directory" { abort "\n**Error changing to directory($source_directory) on local machine." } \
           "Failure"                   { abort "\n**Error changing to directory($source_directory) on local machine." } \
           -re $sftp_prompt            {} \
           timeout { abort "\n**Error changing to directory($source_directory) on local machine." }

  # If rename_file = "Y" transfer file with '.xferring' as extension.
  if { $rename_file == "Y" } {
    set file_name_to_xfer $file_name
    append file_name_to_xfer .xferring
  } else {
    set file_name_to_xfer $file_name

  # Put file to target host.
  set timeout 1800
  exp_send "put $file_name $file_name_to_xfer\r"
    expect "not found."                { abort "\n***Error transfering file($file_name) to: $sftp_server)." } \
           "No such file or directory" { abort "\n***Error transfering file($file_name) to: $sftp_server)." } \
           "Failure"                   { abort "\n***Error transfering file($file_name) to: $sftp_server)." } \
           -re $sftp_prompt            {} \
           timeout { abort "\n***Error transfering file($file_name) to: $sftp_server)." }

  # If rename_file = "Y" remove extension '.xferring' from file name after successful transfer.
  if { $rename_file == "Y" } {
    exp_send "rename $file_name_to_xfer $file_name\r"
      expect "No such file or directory" { abort "\n***Error renaming file($file_name_to_xfer) to($file_name) on $sftp_server)." } \
             "Failure"                   { abort "\n***Error renaming file($file_name_to_xfer) to($file_name) on $sftp_server)." } \
             -re $sftp_prompt            {} \
             timeout { abort "\n***Error renaming file($file_name_to_xfer) to($file_name) on $sftp_server)." }

  # QUIT!!
  exp_send "quit\r"
  # Successful SFTP session so exit with zero status
  exit 0
# Error connecting to SFTP server so exit with non-zero status
exit 1

---------- Post updated at 09:48 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:40 PM ----------

I also found another script I had created to to process sftp commands that are in a different file:

#!/opt/csw/bin/expect --
# Script: run_sftp_script.tcl
# Description: Utility to run a SFTP script
# usage: run_sftp.tcl target_server_port target_server user pass sftp_script_name

# Set named parameters
set ssh_port                 [lindex $argv 0]
set sftp_server              [lindex $argv 1]
set sftp_user                [lindex $argv 2]
set sftp_pass                [lindex $argv 3]
set sftp_script_name         [lindex $argv 4]
set sftp_prompt "sftp>?"
set timeout 30

# Procedure to connect to SFTP server
proc connect { sftp_pass } {
  variable sftp_prompt
  variable sftp_server
  expect -re "debug1:.*"                           { exp_continue } \
         -re "Connecting to.*"                     { exp_continue } \
         -re "Are you sure you want to continue.*" { exp_send "YES\r"; exp_continue } \
         "Password:"                               { exp_send "$sftp_pass\r"; exp_continue } \
         -re $sftp_prompt                          { return 0 } \
         -re .                                     { exp_continue  }
         eof                                       { puts "***Error connecting to($sftp_server)."; return 1 }
         timeout                                   { puts "***Error connecting to($sftp_server)."; return 1 }

# Procedure to run SFTP commands from file
proc send_sftp_commands { sftp_script_name } {
  variable sftp_prompt
  #  Slurp up the sftp commands from file
  set fp [open "$sftp_script_name" r]
  set sftp_cmds [read $fp]
  close $fp

  #  Process sftp commands
  set sftp_command_list [split $sftp_cmds "\n"]

  foreach sftp_command $sftp_command_list {
    set comment [string index $sftp_command 0]
    if { $comment == "#" || $comment == "" } {
    exp_send "$sftp_command\r"
      expect -re "Uploading.*"           { exp_continue } \
             "Failure"                   { abort "\n**Error running command($sftp_command)." } \
             -re $sftp_prompt            {} \
             timeout { abort "\n**Error running command($sftp_command)." }
  return 0

# Procedure to send meesage denoting error, then quit SFTP, then exit with status denoting error.
proc abort { msg } {
  puts "$msg"
  exp_send "quit\r";
  exit 1;

# Connect to the SFTP server and run sftp commands
spawn sftp -v -oPort=$ssh_port $sftp_user@$sftp_server
set connect_results [connect $sftp_pass]

# If successful connection, continue, else exit denoting error occured.
if { $connect_results == 0 } {
  puts "Successful connection/login to target host($sftp_server)."
  set sftp_results [send_sftp_commands $sftp_script_name]
  # If successful connection, continue, else exit denoting error occured.
  if { $sftp_results == 0 } {
    puts "Successful sftp session to target host($sftp_server)."
  # Successful SFTP session so exit with zero status
  exit 0
# Error connecting to SFTP server so exit with non-zero status
puts "***Error running sftp script($sftp_script_name), for target host($sftp_server)."
exit 1
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