I need create a Shell script to do the SFTP process. How can i provide username and password in the script.I had the below code.But it ask for password.How can i add user name and password in this code

echo "OK, starting now..."
sftp -b /dev/fd/0 testwasds3l<<EOF
cd /opt/isproj/VOM/Scripts
put /opt/isproj/VOM/Scripts/jzkvm15028_Truncate_SP_Exec

how about using "expect"?

Expect Telnet Example - Expect is a great scripting language developed by Don Libes, makes boring interaction so much easier. This is a nice telnet example, well commented.

You can put a unique username for each host you access in your ~/.ssh/config.
For example:

Host testwasds3l
    User morbid_angel

And to not have to use a password, copy your ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub file (which contains one very long line) to the other host in file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Append it to the end if it exists or create it. Make sure to set the file permissions to 600 so only you can read it.

Then if you install the keychain software package you can be prompted once for your key passphrase on the first boot after login and have automatic passwordless access to the other machine. Security is provided by the requirement to login to the first machine.