SFTP from Unix to Windows

Hi all

Not sure where I should be posting this so apologies if it's in the wrong section.

I'm trying to set up a system where we can copy a file (get) from a Windows server to a Unix server using SFTP in an automated way.

I've installed CoreFTP Server on the Windows server and can connect using SFTP from the Unix server and execute all the regular SFTP commands. However, I'd like to script some of the SFTP processes and run it from a cron.

How can I implement a passwordless method? I've read a little about SSH keys but I can't see how I would be able to use this in a multi-platform environment.

Any ideas?

look at:
using .netrc with sftp - Stack Overflow

Most people tend to run sshd on unix and use putty (ssh/sftp client) to push the files from the windows side, have you considered going this way?

If you still need to go from unix to windows sftp on unix offers a -b option for batched commands, but you do need to have passwordless access from unix to your windows box.

So you'll need a good SSHD server for windows (sftp requires a sshd server on the other end), that allows setting up of public/private keys.
This looks OK: FreeSSHD, but I haven't tried it myself.