sftp file size differ


I have one doubt over sftp.

I am trnasferring a file from server1 to server2 using sftp.
The size of the file shows different in file 1 and file2 after sftp even though it shows same number of byte transferred. I don't understand the problem.

For example:
I have file1 having size 924MB on server1 and I sftped the file to server2, it shows " 100% 924MB 9.5MB/s 01:37" but when I check the size of the file server2, it shows 603M.
Why it is happening?

One Server1

<server1> cd /dir1/dir2
<server1>ls -lh file1
-rw-rw-r--  1 user1 user1 924M Oct  2 09:22 file1 
<server1>sftp server2
sftp>cd /dir1/dir2
sftp>put file1
Uploading file1 to /dir1/dir2/file1   100%  924MB   9.5MB/s   01:37
sftp> bye

On Server2

<server2> cd /dir1/dir2
<server2> ls file1
-rw-rw-r--  1 user1 user1 603M Oct  2 09:25 file1

Thank you.

Strange !!!

I understand for showing us what happens, you did some manual changes ?!
But how come ls without -l shows long listing.

ls file1
-rw-rw-r--  1 user1 user1 603M Oct  2 09:25 file1

check md5sum on both servers, if they are same or not

Hi "thegeek"
It was just a mistake....I think you understood my intension.