Sftp- file not present in the remote location

I'm able to connect to the remote server (server_name). But when i'm transferring the files, its getting transferred. But the file is not there in the remote location.

I tried with a zero byte and 5 byte file

sftp6 -P <port-no> --password=file:///<file having the pwd> user_name@server_name

Error - I'm not able to figure out why this is happening.

sftp> put test.txt
test.txt                                                                                                                    |    10B |     215B/s | TOC: 00:00:00 | 100%
sftp> ls

Can someone please help

Try logging into the remote server and check if the file is present in the user_name's home directory.
Check if there is any disk space issue on the remote server.
