SFTP Connectivity

can any one help me in SFTP connectivity?

I am supposed to add Keys in my server(service Id).
We are using ssh RSA authentication. But I m provided with DSA SSH2 2048 keys. Even after sharing, it didnt work.

Please help.

DSA keys should work pretty much the same way RSA keys do.

If the public key is not recognized by the server, check that the permissions on ~/.ssh and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server are set to owner only

drwx------. 2 hergp rzadmin 4096 Jun 19 12:50 .ssh
-rw-------. 1 hergp rzadmin  394 Jun 19 12:50 .ssh/authorized_keys

If the server is running SELinux in enforcing mode, the labels of these two objects have to be set to ssh_home_t :

drwx------. hergp rzadmin system_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0  .ssh
-rw-------. hergp rzadmin system_u:object_r:ssh_home_t:s0  .ssh/authorized_keys
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permissions are like as you stated.. but still receiving the same error.
Could you please help...

Those are SSH2 keys

ssh-keygen 's manpage says "DSA keys must be exactly 1024 bits as specified by FIPS 186-2" and the tool refuses to create keys larger than 1024 bits. So it seems conceivable, that the ssh daemon refuses to accept such keys.

Can you verify, that a different type of key (1024 bit DSA or some RSA key) would work?