SFTP connection using two different users

Hi All

This is regarding an SFTP Password less connection.

I am logged into my local Server1 using username1.
The remote server i have to connect is "Remoteserver1" with the "useriD" provided. I have already exchanged the public key and they are added to the authorized keys in the remote server.The connection to Remoteserver1 is successful

Now my issue comes here:

When I am logged into the same local server1 using a different username say "username2". When I try to login to the same Remoteserver1 using the userID provided, it asks me for a password.

What difference does it make as the local server is the same and nothing changed except a different username?
Will it affect the SFTP connection as it is a different username at my end?

Do i need to create the Keys again for each user?

Please suggest.

Yes, for the keys used are saved in the user's home directory

ok. Thanks, So through each different user I connect, the corresponding public key has to be added in the authorized_keys of the remote server