Setting up Linux as a RAS - is is possible?

I need to setup my Linux Server as a RAS, does anyone know how to do it? I have just spent all my money on my hardware setupand an ADSL line, things where I live are VERY expensive. I need to setup my RedHat 7.3 server to be a RAS for myself and my business partner, can anyone please redirect me to a URL or something, I have searched all the howto's, and tried searching the net, can someone please give me a paw.

Thanks in advance


Do you want this machine to be RAS for Microsoft RAS or some other type of Remote Access? Could you be a tad bit more specific please?

I need the system to be setup in such a way that I can be able to dial up to the server and get internet access through the server to the NET, we will be installing and ADSL line there, so I will to be able to acces the net from my home system through that server to the net. My previous office had a RAS, but it is a very expensive additional piece of hardware that we cannot afford right now. So I am needing the server to be a "router" in a sense for internet access.

I hope that this can give you inough info to help me..

Thanks in advance.



You want a dial-up server for internet access. I see.

I have never done that myself but after a few queries on Google I did come up with this link that looks promising:

Hope that helps out.

I will follow that link and let you know.

Another person opn another forum also gave me some good ideas, I'll see how they go, and post the results here if you are interested.

Thanks again.


Please do.

also if you go to and go to the howto's and search for ppp dial in there is a detailed howto describing just what you want to do, (i thihnk) sorry for not posting the link, hope that was helpful, goodluck.

I was searching through my HOWTO cd from RH 7.2 and came across this HOWTO it is called : IS-SETUP-REDHAT-HOWTO, it has got it all, dial-up netowrking, apache, ftp mail, the lot!! I promised you guys I would let you know.... now to just set it up...

Later guys