setting up internet on slackware

I tried unsuccessfully to set up the internet on slackware . I ran
"netconfig" and follow all the steps like to enter ip address dns server subnet mask and default gateway . I saved the configuration and reboot the computer with no results . When im doing this under my pc works fine but first time tried to install slackware on my laptop .

any idea how to solve this problem i mean to set up the internet

if you need more information please let me know .

Thank You

A google search for "Slackware Internet" will give no less than 653,000 results. There must be something in there......

As a bit of a pointer, if you are not using a static IP assigned by your ISP, make sure that you set DHCP via netconfig.


Can you show some more info on how you do your internet config normaly?
And what is your laptop(is here you're having trouble right?) network card?

Some laptop internal modems can be a real pain to get working - with my Toshiba Satellite A30 I downloaded Smart Link drivers and compiled those into a loadable kernel module - after hacking a const in the C code.

That got it working. Without the C hack it kept dialling the wrong number.

Things are not always easy with lappy modems.


the network card was the problem i couldn't install it, after few alterations inside /etc/rc.d/rc.modules i got it installed .

people with toshiba tecra 8200
under slackware they should uncheck
the line :
/sbin/modprobe eepro100
inside /etc/rc.d/rc.modules