setting up a flag inside awk

Hi unix gurus....

i need to set a flag inside awk. i tried many methods for that but couldn't succeed :frowning:

echo "flag= " $flag
echo "flag= " ${flag}

and so...but not able to show the flag. help me out.
i'm using a if condition inside awk... help me out with correct syntax to set a flag and use it so that i will be able to return a value back to main script.......

Not clear. Do you mean you are trying to pass a variable to awk?

awk 'BEGIN { print flag }' flag="1"


awk -v glag="1" 'BEGIN { print flag }'


thanks for your reply....but solved just before that..... :slight_smile:

Appreciate if you could explain what was the issue and how you solved it. It will help others in the future.


hey Sorry, was busy, so replying late. Yeah I'd love to share that.
Just set a flag. Though directly were not able to set a flag. So whole command inside the flag. further took the flag value inside another var and cut the first field (as i need this one only) and used it further.may be it is the long way i used(there could be many ways) but it solved my problem :slight_smile:
Here its:

flag=$( awk -F"|" -v var="$Property_Value" 'BEGIN{n=split(var,a,",")} NR > 1 { for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { if($a ~ /^ *$/){printf("1") }} }' $file)
 echo "flag = "$flag
 var1=$(echo $flag | cut -c1)


One can also try this :wink:

eval $(awk -F"|" -v var="$Property_Value" 'BEGIN{n=split(var,a,",")} NR > 1 { for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { if($a ~ /^ *$/){printf("FLAG=1") }} }' $file)

If you do eval, then FLAG=1 will evaluated as shell command and FLAG will then become a variable.

This method using Eval and Awkis quite handy when you are trying to generate or evaluate variables that may get use by Shell.

So soimething like this:

eval $(awk '{print "X1="$1; print "X2="$2;}' someinputfile)

will give you two shell includable variable X1 and X2...


use the [ code ] tag, while posting the data or script

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