Setting the UID in Mac OS X


Does anyone know the best way to create a user in Mac OS X with a specific UID?

One (ugly) possibility seems to be to create the user, and then use netinfomanager to fix the UID, and then to run chown on all the user's files, but is there a more elegant way?


There was a set of scripts that worked much the way useradd works on linux...

They actually took the values you spec'd and entered them into netinfo for you.

go here:
and look for the OSX user utils.

Once installed, and figured out, they should be what you are looking for... the author actually responded to an email of mine, in a timely manner, some 6 to 8 months ago.

One thing to look out for is that the useradd script doesn't actually create the user folders. just creates the account (if I recall correctly.)
That's all I know...