Setting the path permanently using shell script

I'm trying to set the path permanently through a shell script. (/opt/quest/bin:/usr/bin/lab to /.profile.) I tired using echo option like below but it doesn't work. Please suggest me the right way to do so.

echo "PATH=$PATH:/opt/quest/bin:/usr/bin/lab" >> /.profile

Can you please explain you need the symbolic link to .profile file or anything else.

I just want to set the path permanently, I mean it should not change even after reboot.

echo $PATH should my extension permanently.

Please let me know if I'm confusing you.

Try this:

echo "export PATH=${PATH}:/opt/quest/bin:/usr/bin/lab" >> ~/.profile



Actually, it didn't worked too. It a added new line to .profile file, which is completely distracted. I actually need it like below.


Sorry for the confusion :o

You can do it like this:

sed -i 's;^PATH=\(.*\)$;PATH=\1/opt/quest/bin:/usr/bin/lab;' ~/.profile

However if the .profile PATH already has /opt/quest/bin or /usr/bin/lab they will be duplicaed. This longer version will remove the path entries first if they exist before putting them back on the end.

sed -i -e 's;:*/opt/quest/bin:;:;' \
    -e 's;:*/opt/quest/bin$;;' \
    -e 's;:*/usr/bin/lab:;:;' \
    -e 's;:*/usr/bin/lab$;;' \
    -e 's;^PATH=\(.*\)$;PATH=\1:/opt/quest/bin:/usr/bin/lab;' ~/.profile
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It worked. Thanks alot for the help.