Setting script exit code

row=`sed '1!G;h;$!d' file1.xml | head -2| tail -1`
echo "$row" | awk -F"[;: ]" '{$esum=$5}'

row=`sed '1!G;h;$!d' file2.xml | head -2| tail -1`
echo "$row" | awk -F"[;: ]" '{$isum=$5+$19}'

echo "Exp:$esnum"
echo "Imp:$isum"
if [$esum -eq $isum]
 echo "Matched"
 echo "Not matched"

a) In the above code my values for esum & isum are becomin 0 at the if condition. How to retain the values thru out the program?
b) Instead of "Matched", exit code should be set to "0" and in ELSE part exit code shuold be set to "1". How to do this?

Please help....

IF (condition 1)
set exit code 0
set exit code 1

you may not need to mention "set exit code 0"

IF ( Condition 1)
do something
exit 234
do something else
exit 242

Wherein you know the exit status post execution of the script

echo $?

so if it is 234 ==> condition met
242 ==> condition failed

There are additional queris. Could you please have a look again?

Oops, the varaible used in the awk , won't be retained outside.

You should use something like this:

row=`sed '1!G;h;$!d' file1.xml | head -2| tail -1`
esum=`echo "$row" | awk -F"[;: ]" '{$esum=$5}'`

row=`sed '1!G;h;$!d' file2.xml | head -2| tail -1`
isum=`echo "$row" | awk -F"[;: ]" '{$isum=$5+$19}'`
echo "Exp:$esnum"
echo "Imp:$isum"
if [ $esum -eq $isum ]
 echo "Matched" ## you can use exit 0
 echo "Not matched" ## you can use exit 1

Sorry for the goof up :slight_smile:

The code is not working. Still its printing blank i.e the values are still not accesible outside. do we need any modification????

You did not print the variables in the awk , so it should be :

row=`sed '1!G;h;$!d' file1.xml | head -2| tail -1`
esum=`echo "$row" | awk -F"[;: ]" '{print $5;}'`

row=`sed '1!G;h;$!d' file2.xml | head -2| tail -1`
isum=`echo "$row" | awk -F"[;: ]" '{print $5+$19}'`

echo "Exp:$esum"
echo "Imp:$isum"
if [ $esum -eq $isum ]
echo "Matched" ## you can use exit 0
echo "Not matched" ## you can use exit 1