Setting Routes and such

Ok, I made changes to my routing tables..... which file do I modify to make the routes initialize correctly when the machine boots up? I work with all flavours of Unix/Linux... but this is an older box...

Linux, Release 2.2.14-5.0.

I did a grep for the default route in /etc, but didnt find anything...

Any help would be appreciated.

what distripution are you using? you are talking about the kernel, but we need the "vendor"

AIX = smitty route
FreeBSD = edit /etc/rc.conf (option defaultrouter)
HP-UX = /etc/rc.config.d/netconf
IRIX = /etc/config/static-route.options
Solaris = /etc/defaultrouter
Tru64 = /etc/routes

redhat = /etc/sysconfig/network
debian = /etc/network/interfaces

g P

openbsd = /etc/mygate
