Setting root pasword to null with force change on first login

Greetings All

I have a specific use case: for the deployment of a standard AIX Golden Image via mksysb, I have been requested to set the root user password to NULL with forced change on first login. Currently the admins need to remember when the Golden Image mksysb was created to calculate the root user password for console access.

I would like to include this logic into the script that generates the golden image mksysb:

  1. Am I the golden image [Y|N]?
  2. If [Y], set root password to NULL and force change on first login
  3. Generate mksysb
  4. If [Y], change root password back (I have a working process for this part and I don't want some charlatan sticking a back door into my GI :slight_smile: )

It is step 2 I need help automating please.

Thank you

Would it not be easier to have a procedure that blanks the root password after the recovery from the GI is done?

Just a thought,


Either would be work; do you have the code to do so (or can point me to a doco I may use to build my own)?


Why not fix a known password to your team for the GI thats asks you to change root pass word after recovery? ( I usually used to have one that is changed per Year: as I used to archive all good GI... In case I were arked to put a box say, in OS cofiguration as of Jul 2009...)

quick and dirty, without any warranty

grep -vp /etc/security/passwd /etc/security/passwd.old
grep -p root /etc/security/passwd | sed 's/password = \(.*\)$/password =/' >/etc/security/
cat  /etc/security/passwd.old >>/etc/security/
mv /etc/security/ /etc/security/passwd
pwdadm -f ADMCHG root

You create the golden image presumably via some NIM-procedure. My suggestion is to have a post-install customization script which sets the root password to blank and raises the ADMCHG flag so that the next root logging on is required to set the PW.

It being weekend I have no AIX system at hand to test it, but that should work:

chpasswd < $(print - "root:")

See the man page for the chpasswd command for details.

On another thought you may want to include such a post-install step into the regular NIM-setup of new systems so that - regardless of what golden image was delivered - the root password is always set to a constant value which you can tell the administrators. In regular intervals (like once a year, ...) you just change this post-install-script so that ALL newly iinstalled systems are set to this new password initially.

I hope this helps.
