setting quotas

Hi, I'm trying to setup user quotas on my Linux system.
It is Suse 7.3 running the standard kernel from that release.
When I try to run quotaon, I get the following:

# quotaon -v /dev/hdc1
quotaon: using /home/aquota.user on /dev/hdc1: Invalid argument

I can't figure out what it means by invalid argument. I've setup /etc/fstab as follows for /home:

/dev/hdc1 /home ext3 defaults,usrquota 1 2

I've also tried just quota instead of usrquota.

I've also created the files aquota.user and in /home. I've also created files called quota.user, and quotas and none of those worked either.

-rw------- 1 root bin 0 Jun 9 22:41
-rw------- 1 root bin 0 Jun 9 22:41 aquota.user

Any help would be great. Thanks in advance!

Modify your system init script to check quota and turn quota on at boot time

# Check quota and then turn quota on.

if [ -x /usr/sbin/quotacheck ]
echo "Checking quotas. This may take some time."
/usr/sbin/quotacheck -avug
echo " Done."

if [ -x /usr/sbin/quotaon ]
echo "Turning on quota."
/usr/sbin/quotaon -avug

The golden rule is that always turn quota on after your file systems in /etc/fstab have been mounted, otherwise quota will fail to work. I recommend turning quota on at the end of your system init script, or, if you like, right after the part where file systems are mounted in your system init script.

Also try # repquota -a

Repquota produces a summarized quota information for a file system.