Setting array equal to command response

normally when i type:
condor_q | tail -1
command line returns:
0 jobs; 0 idle, 0 running, 0 held

I want use the number in front of 'running' in a series of equality tests to submit more jobs when my queue gets low. Someone showed me how to do it a few days ago by setting an array equal to the command. I thought it was:

set qu = ( condor_q | tail -1 )

But this is not working..... any ideas?

i think may be use
set qu=($(condor_q|tail -1))

i test the statement in bash:

$ ls                    hsperfdata_root         https-admserv-9d93b4d6
$ arr=( $(ls))
$ echo ${#arr[@]}
$echo ${arr[0]}

That one returns:

Illegal variable name.

Try this:

qu=`condor_q | tail -1 | cut -d" " -f 5`


qu=`condor_q | tail -1 | awk '{print $5}'`

they both work... thank you very much