Setting a variable to result of FIND command

I am working on a batch script where a filter is placed on a directory, and the files that come out of that filter have to be copied into another directory. More specifically, I am trying to set the results of a FIND command to a variable, so that I may access this variable / file later.
The command I have now is:
dir | find "03/07/2005 03:17 PM"|\\ramts11\MarketData\Diag\utils\cut.exe -d " " -f14
The output is in the form of a text file, like:
I need to store the name of this file in a variable so I can copy it to a different directory. I tried putting
SET /a CCMFile=
in front of the command, but that does not assign CCMFile to anything (the variable CCMFile is still set as null).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot,
John Favara

These commands are ms-dos commands. Our users are not Microsoft experts. I'll move this thread to our DOS forum. But even that is really for unix-mircosoft inter-operability issues. You really should post DOS bat file questions on a Microsoft oriented site.

I decided to tackle part of this problem. My quest: write a bat file to set the environment variable x to the output of the "cd" command. I am using the newer cmd.exe on Windows XP rather than the older command.exe. Even so, this was harder than it sounds. My final bat file:

set x=hello
echo before loop %x%

for /f "usebackq" %%x in (`cd`) do (
      echo in loop x = %%x
      set x=%%x

echo after loop %x%

That '/f "usebackq"' option on the "for" statement is the only thing I found that can parse the output of a program. And the variable in the "for" statement seems to not be an environment variable, so I had to do that explicit "set" in the loop.