Services not started - HELP!!!!

Yesterday, we had an outage and Solaris 8 Sunfirer Server. Now today we can telnet, ftp or rhost in the server. We are getting error message connection refused for each connection. Is there any other way to get into box to see what is going on with the services? Please advise ASAP

Since you didn't mention it and didn't mention trying it, I assume this is a remote server you don't have console on? Root account will usually work on console when other ways will not.

If you don't have console, you can try ssh if it was loaded but I doubt it will work. Double check that you are going to the correct server (telnet via IP address instead of using entry in /etc/hosts or DNS).

Suggest you find someone who can get to the physical location to check the system out. If no console, get a dumb terminal or p.c. and hook into serial A port. Good luck. Post back.

You are right I don't have a console on the server. I am next to the box, I have a laptop connected to the serial connection using null modem cable. However, when using hyperterminal and changing the emanulation to vt100, all get is connected and nothing appear. In the past I used the connect directly to com1 now I only see connect to com1. It appears the connecting to the com port is working but it is not communicating back to the server. I am also able to ping the server from any workstation.

How can I get the laptop to connect to the Unix box using com1?

From Sunsolve See Sunsolve - Console logging options :

Make sure you set hyperterm's serial parameters before connecting the cable. If you used serial port A on the Sun server for something else in the past, it's baud rate and other parameters may be different and not work.

After trying serveral null modem cable, we finally rebooted the server and had it idle for 10 minutes. Turned it back on, it recognized the cable and we were in. It appear that the file system was corrupted so we ran fschk to repair.

Thanks for all the assistance.