Serialization of a char buffer


In C, is it possible to serialize a buffer, and save the buffer in a file like in java ? and how ?

Thank you so much.

Java is implemented in C++, so the answer to your question is, "yes, it's possible." The how depends on the particulars which you have not specified.


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My probl�me is: i have written a client and a server in C, the client send a char to the server (for example "A") the server increments and send the char "B" to the client etc...

i'd like to:
save the last char received by the client and by the server , for a new connection between them they get the char fom file and continue

is that possible ?

Write it to a file.

Then read the file back.

It's just an array of bytes.

with fwrite() ?
Thank you.

There are many methods available.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
        char buf[8];
        FILE *fp=fopen("filename", "rb");
        if(fp == NULL)

        // read 8 bytes into buf
        fread(buf, 8, 1, fp);
