Serial Port Setting Automatically changes

I am trying to change the setting of serial port baud rate in Red Hat Linux 5.9 by the following command.
>> stty 9600 cs8 -parenb -ixon -cstopb -echo -F /dev/ttyS0
The serial port will be used by our custom application in 2 separate servers which are the replica of one another.
The port setting got automatically changes when the application got start in one of the server. Where as on the other server it is not happening.

Can I able to see the process which are using the serial ports?I do not set any serial port configuration through my custom application.It only check the ./dev/ttyS0 file and nothing else.

Can some body help me out to trouble shoot the issue

If the serial port in question is being logged into by your remote application, a good place to start would seem to be the section 4 mgettydefs man page on Red Hat.

I have detected a process which is resetting the serial port settings.
But not able to understand why it is happening.It is a custom application which is resetting the baud rate,
I have another replica server of the same.But I am not facing this kind of problem.
Can some body help me out in this regard.